Hello everyone!
I haven’t posted a blog in so long cause i honestly haven’t been bothered... But i recently got braces/Invisalign/invisible braces and thought i would document my entire journey since it honestly is going to be a BIGGGG change and theres also been so many things happening so YEAH !
Also FYI as i’m writing this i’m currently on my fourth tray of aligners, my bank account has been halved and I’m also stressed af cause nursing school.
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- Severe gummy smile
- Overbite
- Missing tooth on the bottom teeth thats why overbite + it makes me look like i have no chin
- Apparently my mouth don't close properly like my lips don't touch as per nurse and doctor
- My front two teeth have porcelain on them cause they were previously stained really bad, the traditional metal braces need glue to adhere brackets(the metal things) to the teeth, but since theres stuff on my front teeth, the glue wont stick
- Invisalign is clear so you wont be able to tell I have anything on my teeth ♥‿♥
- For me price was same as normal traditional braces
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But then 16-20yr old Tiffany with a self esteem lower than the drop in a QRS segment on an ECG(no.) is self conscious about her huge ass gummy smile and her protruding top teeth. I did go for a consultation at age 9, but then they told me I had to remove 4 teeth and 9yr old me freaked out and said no. So we didn't go ahead. But now that i've removed 2 wisdom teeth already and Im all good now.
08/08/22 edit: I was looking at the pictures on this blog but it didnt really show how severe my gummy smile was or at least how I thought it looked. BUT LOOK AT THESE !!
15/01/19 - Orthodontist appointment: During this appointment with did consultation where he checked my teeth and my OPG and then did consultation as to what we can do. He said that he recommended jaw surgery cause apparently my jaw is ‘rounded’ so the Invisalign might not actually do much especially about the gummy smile as well but cause i didn't want jaw surgery he said we could try this way first as well as inserting TADs (screws on gums) to pull everything down.
He also said we would have to remove two teeth from the top to pull my front teeth back so its not as protruded if that makes sense. After consultation, if I wanted to go ahead and do Invisalign we would do a 'scan across of my teeth'.
In the past they did molds of teeth using that plaster stuff but now they are more technical advanced and can just use a probe to scan across teeth. But cause I have TMJ, putting probe to scan across my teeth was so painful since my jaws click and hurt if I open my mouth widely..

As you can see my side profile looks like a bao.
My chin gets all wrinkly when I dont smile and I look like I have no chin.. Also mugshot too ugly can't not cover up o(╥﹏╥)o
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ TOOTH EXTRACTION ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
22/02/19: I booked my teeth removal with my regular dentist. This would be my third time removing teeth cause wisdom teeth! Removal of teeth on the top doesn’t hurt as bad as the bottom. I had a tooth pulled at the bottom back and it was death. Last time when i removed the top one it was pain-free and blood clotted within an hour so i was able to eat per normal really quickly. But for some reason this time the blood kept going for 3+hours and i was like hmmm. Not holy crap cause nursing experience makes me hmmmm. Pain itself was okay, tolerable. There was a slight ache but after 2 Panadol it was all good!
Insert teeth pic that makes me look like a crazy person ⤵
I got my 2 teeth removed on a Friday and had to go see the orthodontist to put on the Invisalign on the Monday cause orthodontist says teeth will begin to shift so we gotta put the Invisalign on to get it moving to where we need. I went back on Monday and one of the assistants taught me everything and helped me put them on. I have a total of 58 aligners and most likely going to wear for 18months.
Cant tell yeah?
I have to wear these ones for a week then i go back to see the orthodontist so he will put attachments on them so the Invisalign fit better. It honestly felt fine like it didn't hurt but you could feel slight pressure. I can take them off but each day i can only take them off for 2hrs which includes teeth brushing and eating. Im not allowed to eat with them in. They also feel really thick so it makes my teeth even more protruded, well cause i'm self conscious as hell, i felt like it looks strange.
Also they painted the spot where i have two holes from the extracted teeth, this way it wont be obvious that i have a gap there. But like bro, the paint is whiter than my actual teeth so HMMMM. This is the second aligners pic but this is what it looks like. Can you see the white ‘tooth’ like where the gap is supposed to be. This pic is of my second aligners so ignore the bumps, will talk about it later posts ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
Before i see him the week later, i have to get TADs put on so he can put elastics on. But that'll be a whole new post cause i'm tired.
( ̄。 ̄)~zzz
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ TOOTH EXTRACTION ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
22/02/19: I booked my teeth removal with my regular dentist. This would be my third time removing teeth cause wisdom teeth! Removal of teeth on the top doesn’t hurt as bad as the bottom. I had a tooth pulled at the bottom back and it was death. Last time when i removed the top one it was pain-free and blood clotted within an hour so i was able to eat per normal really quickly. But for some reason this time the blood kept going for 3+hours and i was like hmmm. Not holy crap cause nursing experience makes me hmmmm. Pain itself was okay, tolerable. There was a slight ache but after 2 Panadol it was all good!
Insert teeth pic that makes me look like a crazy person ⤵
I got my 2 teeth removed on a Friday and had to go see the orthodontist to put on the Invisalign on the Monday cause orthodontist says teeth will begin to shift so we gotta put the Invisalign on to get it moving to where we need. I went back on Monday and one of the assistants taught me everything and helped me put them on. I have a total of 58 aligners and most likely going to wear for 18months.
First aligners look like this ⤵
Cant tell yeah?
I have to wear these ones for a week then i go back to see the orthodontist so he will put attachments on them so the Invisalign fit better. It honestly felt fine like it didn't hurt but you could feel slight pressure. I can take them off but each day i can only take them off for 2hrs which includes teeth brushing and eating. Im not allowed to eat with them in. They also feel really thick so it makes my teeth even more protruded, well cause i'm self conscious as hell, i felt like it looks strange.
Also they painted the spot where i have two holes from the extracted teeth, this way it wont be obvious that i have a gap there. But like bro, the paint is whiter than my actual teeth so HMMMM. This is the second aligners pic but this is what it looks like. Can you see the white ‘tooth’ like where the gap is supposed to be. This pic is of my second aligners so ignore the bumps, will talk about it later posts ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
Before i see him the week later, i have to get TADs put on so he can put elastics on. But that'll be a whole new post cause i'm tired.
( ̄。 ̄)~zzz
I have Invisalign and my experience is the worst part that my gums occasionally bleed and I will go the whole day smiling and talking to people.